Nomad Green: Online Journalism Project in Mongolia

Mongolia is the only country in the world where the original nomadic life still exists.
Mongolia has a big problem with Air pollution and a harsh climate. 8 Months of the year are extremely cold and snowy. Smoke from coal and oven's contribute to most of the air pollution due to the population trying to stay warm.

50% of the population lives in the capital UB. Hence, the country needs a green solution to this problem and addressing Climate Change. Last year the temperature dropped to -58% in some regions, they've lost 6.3 millions animals, a major natural and economic disaster.

A lot of companies from outside Mongolia take Gold and other natural resources, destroying the land permanently as they seek profit.

Nomad Green aims to make the Mongolian Citizen's voice heard and their opinions known to the entire world. Nomad Green teaches Mongolia's citizens to become citizen journalists by holding workshops. so far they've held 15 workshops with approximately 160-180 citizens. They have so far covered a lot of topics including how some of the mining activities of the companies affect pregnant women within Mongolia.

Global Voices has also helped translate most of these articles and blog posts into German and Russian.


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