We've gathered some of the numerous media and blog posts from the Summit below. The hashtag for all photos and posts is #GV2010. Thanks to everyone for helping us document these special days (more links coming soon!).
- El mundo saca su e-voz, El Mercurio (Chile)
- “Lo más fácil es retirar los videos de pornografía”, El Mercurio (Chile)
- Blogueros de 60 países están en Chile ampliando redes virtuales, El Mercurio (Chile)
- International Citizen Journalists Gather in Santiago, Santiago Times (Chile)
- International Citizen Media Summit In Santiago, Chile, Promotes Free Media, Santiago Times (Chile)
- Premio ‘Breaking Borders’ a la libertad de expresión se entregó hoy en Chile, FayerWayer (Chile)
- Buscan aumentar la voz ciudadana en la red, El Comercio (Peru) (web version)
- Die www.Weltverbesserer, Taggesschau (Germany)
- Löschen oder im Netz lassen?, Taggeschau (Germany)
- Kubatana.net wins Breaking Borders Award, Nehanda Radio (Zimbabwe)
- I mille volti (e le sfide continue) del giornalismo partecipativo, La Stampa (Italy)
- Les «Global Voices» résonnent au Chili, Libération (France)
- Cebuano to represent country in Chile summit, Inquirer Global Nation (Philippines)
- Projeto Eleitor 2010 quer monitorar eleições desse ano, Terra Magazine (Brazil)
- Global Voices : Трудности глобальной модерации: будет ли YouTube убирать и дальше ролики террористов, Echo Moskvy (Russia)
- Global Voices : Интернет по-чилийски или от Москвы до Лиссабона. Международный саммит социальных медиа «Глобальных голосов в Сантьяго», Echo Moskvy (Russia)
- Global Voices: Love and Money, My Heart's in Accra (Ethan Zuckerman)
- In Search of Internet Freedom, RConversation (Rebecca MacKinnon)
- Global Voices: building sustainable civilization in an information rainforest, RConversation (Rebecca MacKinnon)
- How big is Internet Freedom? My Heart's in Accra (Ethan Zuckerman)
- At the Global Voices Citizen Media Summit 2010, EngageMedia (Andrew)
- The Potential of Mobile Phones in Citizen Media: Thoughts from the Global Voices Citizen Media Summit, MobileActive (Prabhas Pokharel)
- ICT for Accountability: Transparency “Bottom-Up”, WorldBank blog (Anne-Katrin Arnold)
- Highlights of GV Summit: Ideas, Projects, Issues & Way Forward, Ceasefire Liberia (Nat Bayjay)
- Thoughts on the Future of Citizen Media #GV2010, Waiting in Transit… (Muhammad Karim)
- From Online to Offline Meet-up @2010 Global Voices Summit, Sopheap Chak
- Global Voices Summit 2010 y Chile, MedeaMaterial (Juliana Rincón)
- Looking at Global Voices Through the Lens of Love and Money, Gauravnomics (Gaurav Mishra)
- #Chiletrip, Yo Invisible (Adriana Gutierrez)
- Crónicas de viaje – Santiago de Chile, Seis de Enero (Gabriela García Calderón)
- Hablar y escribir sobre la Cumbre de Global Voices, Cosas del Alma (Catalina Restrepo)
- HiperBarrio presente el la Cumbre de Global Voices, ConVerGentes (Catalina Restrepo)
- Summit Global Voices 2010 “en su ùltimo dìa”, ConVerGentes (Yessenia)
- Global Voicers like Horton hears the Who!, Dragon Tales (Sonam Ongmo)
- Balance of the GV Summit 2010, Diego Casaes
- Reflections on Santiago, Jillian C. York
- Građanski mediji, Santiago 2010, B92 Blog (Sinisa Boljanovic)
- Приехал из Чили #gv2010, Altzgamer.ru (Alexey Sidorenko)
- GV2010 – The People, Not Green Data (Tarek Amr)
Radio and Video
- Video de Global Voices en Chile, Biblioteca del Congreso Nacional de Chile
- GV2010: Interview with Elia Varela Serra on African Blogging Platform Maneno, Guaravonomics (India)
- GV2010: Interview with Sami Ben Gharbia on Threatened Voices, Gauravnomics (India)
- Solana Larsen: “En muchos países los medios ciudadanos han tenido un impacto sorprendente”, Radio Tierra (Chile)
- Polska reprezentacja w Chile na The Global Voices Citizen Media Summit 2010, Media Fun (Poland)
- Sana Saleem speaks on the Role of Citizen Media in Pakistan at GV2010, Teeth Maestro (Pakistan)