Latest posts by Session Notes
Open Session (Internal): Conflict Prevention and Resolution
Notes from an (internal) session about the role of Global Voices in conflict prevention and resolution, including a proposal for future activity.
Session Notes: Youth and Online Media
On youth and experiences with integrating youth. Session leader was Emily Jacobi from Digital Democracy.
Session Notes: Social movements and social media in Latin America (and elsewhere!)
The person-to-person aspect of social organizing in Latin America (sometimes without dependence on telecommunications).
Session Notes: La nueva Ley de Propiedad Intelectual de Chile: derechos de autor y libertad de expresión
Open Session a cargo de Pedro Less, Gerente de Asuntos Gubernamentales y Políticas Pública de Google para Latinoamérica, y Claudio Ruiz, presidente de la ONG Derechos Digitales de Chile.
Session Notes: Mobiles – The power of the Internet and reporting in your pocket
Given the subject matter about the use of mobile phones, reporting on the breakout session was undertaken via Twitter. Led by Prabhas Pokharel,
Session Notes: Social Media’s Role in Conflict Reporting
A discussion about social media responsibility in solving some issues, especially when the society fails to solve them.
Session Notes: Ushahidi – Crisis
Deploying Ushahidi more complicated than using it. Tech team working on the platform so it will be easy to deploy for anyone without technical knowledge.
Session Notes: China, Sri Lanka, Pakistan, and Russia
An open discussion about the state of social media and the society in China, Sri Lanka, Pakistan, and Russia
Session Notes: Bibliotecas/Libraries
Cómo se puede acceder a la información, y como la biblioteca ayuda a formar ciudadanos?
Session Notes: Digital Divide
The lack of connection to the Internet. How people are going to learn how to use to use the Internet after they get the access.